Re: Ugly print result on Windows

On Wed, 2007-08-01 at 22:01 +0200, Hans Breuer wrote:
On 01.08.2007 15:12, Lars Ruoff wrote:
Maybe it's only a Windows issue? 
Maybe a GTK issue?
No. Gtk printing support is much more recent than Dia's win32 printing
What i wonder is why this bug stays open for a such long period of time?
Because no one cared enough to completly fix it. And it is not that simple,
see eg.:

This could be a problem in some cases, but not all.  You have a patch on
it, but you didn't want to apply it.  Do you still consider it bad?

but also:

This bug is only about compatibility with older versions, where text
width was a completely arbitrary thing.  Not relevant for printing a
newly made diagram.


This is only cross-platform problems of not having the same fonts.  Not
relevant for printing a newly made diagram.

The whole program is rather useless when you cannot print out diagrams
Don't get me wrong, but this limitation really sucks!
It's the only thing that keeps me off from using Dia more seriously.
Please put the fixing of this thing to higher priority.

You can do that yourself by providing a working patch. But almost cetainly
not by complaining louder. You know: it is all open source.

The code in question is in

Indeed.  It will need to be changed somewhat (specifically, TextOut) to
use the TextLine system, which can give it the appropriate text width to
use.  If that doesn't get implemented, you are pretty much guaranteed to
have over-/underflowing text boxes.


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