Re: Core dump: input and output file name is identical

On Thu, 2005-10-13 at 21:12 +0200, Till Dörges wrote:
Hello folks,

dia (version 0.94) crashes (core dump) if input and output name are

dia --version
Dia version 0.94, compiled 14:27:44 Oct  6 2005

dia -e test.dia -t png test.dia

** (dia-python:21528): WARNING **: No attribute type ((nil)) or no
data((nil)) in this attribute

** ERROR **: dia error: input and output file name is identical: test.dia

Does it crash or just abort?  From the message it looks intentional.
Why you'd want to make a png file called test.dia I'm not sure:)


Lars Clausen <lars raeder dk>

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