Re: Latex PGF plugin

momomaniac sagde:
Alright, I'm slowly getting into it: I'm not really an expert yet in
Software development.

There's always something to learn.  I'm very tempted to make unit tests
for Dia, for instance.

I had only tried it with a few samples of my own, I had not found
(looked for) a test file.
So I just checked the samples/render-test.dia
...and found a bug.

Yay, it works!  Thanks go to Hans Breuer for making that file.

First, including images is not supported because I did not find any way
to include an image inline in the file.
One might write the pixel data to an extra file, then include that file.
Or render it with an array of coloured rectangles ;)
Any ideas by a true master of PGF?

Sounds like a question for the PGF list.

Then there is a problem with arcs, I have to fix it and i'll send
another patch (non-zipped this time)
I wrote a short summary of implementation ideas into the comment at the
head of render_pgf.c

Ok, I'll wait for that.

But I can write a few lines of comparison between pstricks and PGF soon,
if you want. I can't tell much/anything about Metapost though.

If you put it on the TWiki, then hopefully we can find a Master of
Metapost to write something about that.  I'd like to see a master of both
to do some comparision.


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