Re: Menubar by default in next release? [was Re: Dia Can't create Per-User Dia Config Directory]

Le Wed, Jan 21, 2004, à 09:02:46AM +0100, Hubert Figuiere a écrit:
On mar, 2004-01-20 at 20:52, Alan Horkan wrote:
On Tue, 20 Jan 2004, Steffen Macke wrote:


Yes, all functionality related to a diagram is only available through it's
context menu. Note that you can switch on a menu bar for the diagram windows
(see Preferences).

Would anyone object to the menubar being on by default in the next

I'd vote YES. But surely, I'm biased. :-)

what, you'd vote "YES, I object" ??? ;-)

I'd lean to second your opinion; at the very least on Win32 (and it
makes little sense to have differing defaults between win32 and *nix)

        -- Cyrille


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