Le Thu, Aug 22, 2002, à 10:08:58PM +0200, James Michael DuPont a écrit:
Ok, so people do build windows from cvs? Anyone out there who has?
Yes. Someone whom you've disgusted from distributing binaries anymore.
I still like dia and will be doing my best to make a positive contribution, even if we have different interpretations of the GPL faq. I hope that we can have peace, and work togeather.
You are talking double language here. On one hand, you sling FAQs and allegations about GPL violations on a software package on which you own no piece of copyright. You misattribute your inability to compile the package to an alleged deliberate retention of files (so far you have failed to point out a single missing file, despite me stating that any missing file would be involuntary, and me welcoming any bug reports so we can get this alleged missing file issue resolved). Not only you completely dismiss this good-faith, repeated call for help, but you sling even more pieces of FSF and meta-GPL FAQs. On the other hand, you talk about "peace, and work together". I don't think a sane person (or a person without an agenda of deliberate bullying and pissing off others) would behave the way you have. Did CmdrTaco leave the gates of the farm open? -- Cyrille -- Grumpf.
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