Re: WIN32 compilation, the spirit of GNU software.

 --- Cyrille Chepelov <cyrille chepelov org> schrieb: > Le Thu, Aug 22,
2002, à 10:08:58PM +0200, James Michael DuPont a

Ok, so people do build windows from cvs? Anyone out there who has?

Yes. Someone whom you've disgusted from distributing binaries
I mean someone besides hans.

Has anyone here ever built it? How much time has been wasted from
people besides myself who want to help?

What about from scratch,without any dlls?
did even he ever built it from scratch? 
Then we should be able to get this matter resolved quickly,
otherwise you will have to wait untill my port is done.

I am committed to producing a binary with the source codes from
I have been reworking the autoconfication of the libiconv and gettext
under ming, Had problems getting the dll binding and making running.
When that is all working, I compile gtk... 

I still like dia and will be doing my best to make a positive
contribution, even if we have different interpretations of the GPL

I hope that we can have peace, and work togeather.

You are talking double language here. On one hand, you sling FAQs and
allegations about GPL violations on a software package on which you
own no
piece of copyright. 
I am not making any real alligations, just asking for all the source
code that makes the binary, and all the build scripts to build that
one. including the environmental settings needed. Any developer should
be able to give that and offer that under the gpl.

Am I making any allegations here? I am just exercizing my rights,
not insulting anyone.

Even if the non-english speakers here speak better english than me,
and I can be percived as antisocial, I have a right to the source code
of the gnu and gnome tools that you use to be distributed under the
rules layed out by the FSF.

For good reason they do ask us to put the source codes on the same
server, with the exact patches used to make the build.

You misattribute your inability to compile the

The lack of the source code of the binaries that are distributed.
the lack of the non system library source code that is needed to
produce the exe being distributed with the exe.

to an alleged deliberate retention of files (so far you have failed

never said that.

to point
out a single missing file, despite me stating that any missing file
would be
involuntary, and me welcoming any bug reports so we can get this
missing file issue resolved). 

The missing files are the source code packages that I asked hans for,
for example. What about the source code for the dia installer,
including dia and the gnome libs, all condfigured and placed into a
directory tree that can be built?

Not only you completely dismiss this
good-faith, repeated call for help, but you sling even more pieces of
and meta-GPL FAQs. 

I have repeated called for help to be ignored. I asked about the python
build, wanted to reproduce it. I wanted to port it to python2.2.
There is no code for all those parts either.

On the other hand, you talk about "peace, and work together".

I don't think a sane person (or a person without an agenda of
bullying and pissing off others) would behave the way you have. 

Pissing people off by calling them stupid when you blatently
go against the stated standards of software distribution is useless.
I am not angry with your attempts to flame me,
because I have been insulted much worse before. So what I am a bit

Many of the people of genius level intelligence that I have met are
bonkers. Not that I am saying that I am intellgent to make up for all
of my bad attributes. 

But I still have my rights to free software 
and I will fight for them!

Who is hoarding the gleaned secrets of the build environment to
The exact versions of the software,the compile flags, environmental
settings, and directory layout that is needed 
to build and exe? How hard is it to just ZIP the directory and do
ones fellow developer a good deed. That is all considered to be source
code under the GPL in my humble opinion.

There are lots of people like that on the gcc list, 
just try saying that you want to extract the full parse tree and
compiler information into XML there... 

Did CmdrTaco leave the gates of the farm open?
wow, I almost thought that was funny. 

I am going to get this thing build and check in the entire build system
to my cvs on 

You will be able to check it out and build it from source entirly under
windows without being as super intelligent and oh so witty and friendly
as some people around here.

Others will appreciate my liberation as in freedom of the windows build
from the hands of those who do not want to share.

Remeber the hobbit, when this golum thing lost the ring, crying "Oh my
precious, gone it is..." .

I think that the build for windows is stagnating anyway,
you need more developers working on it. A COM interface is sorely
needed, and a fine tuned bonobo intergration.

Now it is time that we put this thing to the test,
I am going to get this built, and take over the windows port if hans
wants to play games and run away with the ball. We have too many people
invested in this to just play games like that.

Kindergarten is over.

I guess some people have no time  to spread around the wisdom, 
just making a simple snapshot is just too much work for a fellow

You know the GCC used to be kept in private like that, no public
developers snapshot, no public cvs and all that. It has changed 

I am going to integrate the DIA diagram editor with the VCG for graph

I will also hook in the dll i built with perl gcc and the dotgnu cscc
c#  parser that I have been working on.

This will add on another 15 mb to the executable size, but give the
user a full c++ reverse engineering tookit with a nice GUI and
statically linked GCC inside it.

That will also resolve the conflict that I have with the gcc group and
fsf about the dynamic linking. It will give the gcc a good graph layout
to replace the non-free graphviz lib.

This might take 2-3 years to complete, but will revolutionize the gnu
software development community. I look forward to your help.


James Michael DuPont


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