Announce: xsd2dia

Hi Dia folks.

I just wanted to announce the availability of a Tcl script to reverse-engineer XML schemas into UML class diagrams for Dia.
The code is NOT being maintained and there are bugs (for example, 
xs:extension does not lead to an inheritance relation in the UML diagram).
Also, the UML diagram does NOT follow any of the published standards for 
representing XML schemas with UML.  It was developed because I needed to 
view the basic structure of a number of XML schemas, and no other tool 
(to my knowledge) has yet been developed to reverse engineer XML schemas 
into UML diagrams.
In a nutshell, if you need a tool like this, you're welcome to it.  It's 
distributed under the BSD license and is available at:

Again, I am NOT maintaining this tool. If it doesn't do what you want it to, it's yours to hack.

Johann Tienhaara
tech mountaingrouse org

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