Re: SGV-sgv, ...not svg? sure?

Dolores Alia de Saravia wrote:

Sorry. I agree with you.
It is;
what I wanted to say is that NEWS file proposed
which is incorrect.

Extracted from what James K. Lowden wrote, on july 10.


I don't think it's really "incorrect".  The W3C says that case
"shouldn't" matter to a URI or URL.  After all, just because *unix* is
case-sensitive doesn't mean the www should be.

I wouldn't want Dia to fail to load a document because I hadn't 
guessed what arrangement of case she expected in the URI.  As Larry 
says, programs should be generous in what they accept and careful 
what they emit.


Now you say it, I also agree with you. But then, instead of correcting 
the NEWS file,  may be Dia itself should be corrected: 

I beleive that

 if an user designs a .shape file and writes "..... /SVG" instead of 
"..../svg", that shape is not loaded. 

(I beleive this happened to me, and it was because of this that I noted 
the difference...). 


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