Re: [gnome-desktop-testing] HELP wanted (Moving things forward)

On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 8:27 AM, Ara Pulido <ara ubuntu com> wrote:
> Hey Juanje! I am glad to hear from you!
> On 01/10/2010 06:27 PM, Juan Jesús Ojeda Croissier wrote:
>> On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 11:39 AM, Ara Pulido <ara ubuntu com> wrote:
>>> Hello all!
>>  Hi! :-)
>>> We need to move things forward in Mago in order to make it work
>>> correctly with LDTP2 and in Lucid.
>> [...]
>>> After the release we need to package correctly LDTPv2 (making sure that
>>> it replaces the current python-ldtp and ldtp packages) and start fixing
>>> the trunk to work with LDTP.
>>> I can make the packaging efforts (based on what Javier have already
>>> done), but we need a person coordinating the efforts of the migration
>>> (filing bugs against Mago for things that need changes, assigning the
>>> bugs, manage the progress in our biweekly meetings, etc.)
>>> Any volunteers for the above task?
>> I couldn't find any package branch for ltdp2 so I created one[1] and
>> the bug on Ubuntu[2] for getting the package in.
> Thank you very much for starting this work.

I like so much this project and I couldn't help before, so I try help
with small things.

>> I tried the package oin karmic and seems to be fine. I've created also
>> for Lucid but I coudn't test it. If anyone like to try, you can find
>> the package on REVU[3], where I uploaded the package for being revised
>> and uploaded to Ubuntu.
> LDTP2 is not yet ready to be uploaded, but we could use the REVU system
> to improve the package once we get the final LDTP2 code. I will add a
> comment to avoid any MOTUs to upload the package.

Yes, I saw your comment. My idea was to get the package ready so when
the final version be released the package will be already revised.
Also for getting an easy and clean way to test mago with the last
LDTP2 version.

I could create a PPA for that (or maybe at mago-contributors) for
getting updated the packages with the last version.

>> Tell me if you have any kind of problem with the package, the
>> description or whatever.
>> BTW, I didn't find any download site for LDTPv2. I mean for the souce
>> tarball. Maybe it could be a good idea to create a project on
>> Launchpad to release the tarballs and so.
> You didn't find the code because it hasn't been released yet :-) Where
> did you get the code from?

That explains everything... :-P
I got the code from the git repository:

>> I'm a bit off the project, so I don't know it good enough for manage
>> the bugs and stuff, but if there is anything else I can help, I'd love
>> to.
> LDTP2 tracks its bugs upstream in GNOME bugzilla, under version 2.0.0
> [1]. For bugs in the Ubuntu package, for LDTP1 we used Launchpad. When
> LDTP2 gets uploaded we will use its bug page.

Maybe, for the packaging bugs we could use the REVU comments, because
the LDTP1 page in launchpad is actually for another package, so it
could be a bit confusing.

Cheers :-)


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