Right. That's why I wanted to ask where we were with tooling when it came to _javascript_. Christian and I have had some discussions especially around the toolchain so I'm not unaware of this particular bit of feedback. Like you, I agree that resourcing development around the toolchain is an important part of the effort.
I concede all of this. But I have volunteers to deal with the documentation platform, but not the js engine or the tooling.
Documentation that sadly has not kept up and I suspect we have all kind of new ways to write applications.
I tried to not focus on that aspect. I failed. I wanted to see where we were at on which language has the most mature tooling and it seems that we are behind on everything. Unfortunately, if we are going to want to progress the platform forward we are going to need to figure this out as a long term solution.
Everything is connected.
All great questions and exactly why we put all this out there before getting ahead of ourselves.
We haven't set a bar, we're basically trying to create something that would work in an interim until we can figure out what the long term approach is. I'm not accepting status quo. One has to start a movement in order to excite others enough to work on the other parts.
I think we're on the same page. I'm not looking at documentation as just documentation but one part of a set of things that needs to be done. After all, I've spent time trying to do a conference around application development and have learned quite a bit from that endeavor.
So to be clear, I am not accepting status quo because wrong and out of date documentation is worse than no documentation and right now. We are expending a lot of effort in things like flatpak/flathub/atomic workstation that needs a platform that caters to everyone. Secondly, to reach the desired end will require many moving pieces, none of which can be done in a vacuum.
As for the other languages, you had made the suggestion on IRC of approaching each of those communities and create ties with each of them similarly to how we have with Rust. That seems like another effort that needs to be analyzed. I'm not afraid of going to each of these communities and engaging them. But we need a good argument on why they would care.
Great discussion thus far. Thanks for keeping it high signal, low noise.