Re: File roller extracting with double click, bug/feature ?

Thanks for the link to the blog post (thus the explanation to disable the feature).

So you mentioned that "Extract here" should not be available.
Actually it is available only if I enable the "Extract when opening" option in nautilus and is not available when I uncheck it.
Is it not supposed to be the opposite ?
You said that it could be caused by a version mismatch, but my system reports that version 3.22.1 of nautilus and 3.22.2 of file-roller are installed. Should I report this as a bug ?


2016-11-12 16:41 GMT-05:00 Bastien Nocera <hadess hadess net>:
On Sat, 2016-11-12 at 16:07 -0500, Baptiste Saleil wrote:
> Again, I was never prentious enough to say that someone is stupid. I
> only talked about a feature that I, personally, find "stupid", I
> never talked about an actual person and I never would.

It's still not constructive.

> To go back to the original question, would you be so kind as to send
> me links to the design pages and blog posts you mentioned earlier ?

I already did link to one which you can use as a starting point.

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