Re: A dock


On 4 April 2015 at 21:21, alex diavatis <alexis diavatis gmail com> wrote:
Hello Emmanuele,

How you can see metrics when GNOME hasn't a metric system? :/

You found out one of the issues. Good! :-)

There's also a solution, which is implementing a metrics system —
which would also give GNOME valuable feedback. I'd be happier if
people saying that we're "losing users" and that we need to "get users
back", or that use perception as a metric, spent their time looking
into getting a telemetry system built into GNOME. That would be a much
better use of everybody's time.

You can only see that by "perception" :)

Perception is a flimsy metric, though. You don't perceive the mass
deployments, nor you perceive people installing Ubuntu and switching
to GNOME, for instance. You don't perceive people switching to and
from GNOME because you don't get to ask every single user — you cannot
even "perceive" the people that install Linux in the first place, or
that get Linux pre-installed as part of their corporate IT policy.

You can only perceive people that are enthusiastic about GNOME, and
that love what we're are doing enough to tell you that; or
enthusiastic about telling you that GNOME sucks, and that it's losing
users because it does not cater to their particular brand of "power

As you can see, perception does not paint a proper story, only extremes.

Personally, I think we talked enough about perception and how to get
back people that were using GNOME 2. If we wanted people to keep using
GNOME 2 then we would have been releasing GNOME 2. I want *more*
people. I want different people. I want people that care about their
platform, and their privacy, and their hardware, and their content —
both what they make and what the consume.


On Sat, Apr 4, 2015 at 11:17 PM, Emmanuele Bassi <ebassi gmail com> wrote:


On 4 April 2015 at 20:37, alex diavatis <alexis diavatis gmail com> wrote:

While I think we can discuss whether the presence of a dock could
ensure gaining users, I also don't think GNOME needs to "win back"
users in the first place.

What that's supposed to mean? GNOME doesn't need to get users back?

I'd object to the point of getting "users back" until I see a metric
that gives me the number of a) Linux users and b) GNOME users before
and after any imaginary point in time (usually people that say "get
users back" use the 3.0 release, missing the larger point of "when
Ubuntu switched to Unity" one), but I'll just say: getting users back
from what? Why do we need to convert the small pool of Linux users,
when a larger pool of non-Linux users exists to be tapped?

In any case, my main issue was the argument that a dock is not going
to be a point of contention when a person decides whether or not to
use GNOME.


[ ] ebassi [ gmail com]

[ ] ebassi [ gmail com]

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