Recommended office suite?


I noticed that the Gnome Ubuntu flavor will not ship libreoffice, but instead only ship Abiword and Gnumeric. I was surprised by this, since I think libreoffice is the best office suite for linux and it has quite good gnome integration. The motivation for this is that they want to provide a pure gnome experience, and these applications are referenced in the gnome-app module set. However, I haven't seen any talk about Abiword and Gnumeric on the gnome mailinglists or on for quite a while (I actually was under the impression that these projects had been abandoned). I'm also under the impression that there are a lot of support for LibreOffice in the Gnome community, and I was told that "Documents" has a dependency on it (causing Documents not to be included in the Gnome Ubuntu flavor).

So my question is: What is the recommended office suite for a pure gnome experience? What has been talked about for the up coming Gnome OS?


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