Re: Concerning Keyboard Status Menu

> The thing for Chinese input method is: Few of them are doing a good job. 
> Styling of Chinese, dialect, modern Chinese cultures idioms *varies*. 
> Even the big commercial input method failed to achieve a good job on 
> every aspect mentioned above. That's why you saw several of commercial 
> input method installed even on a single user desktop. This is why input 
> method tend to be inconsistent.
> The default pinyin input GNOME whitelisted is ibus-pinyin. It's a very 
> basic input engine that doing a relatively poor job on almost every 
> aspect I mentioned above. And I'm not being offensive to those 
> developers, Sunpinyin is no better than that.
> Develop a Chinese IME is *extremely* hard and it has commercial 
> barriers. Big search engine companies have much complete training 
> dataset than any opensource organization, commercial dictionaries from 
> Chinese internet media companies are covering every aspect of Chinese 
> culture: ancient poetry, modern word, idiom...Companies like Microsoft 
> and Google have a much more sophisticated Machine Learning Research 
> Group than any opensource organization...

The question is, if it is so hard to develop a Chinese IME, then why not
join together to improve it instead of having lots of half-finished ones?
If we are so low on resources then we should try to avoid fragmentation,
shouldn't we?


There are two hard problems in computer science: cache invalidation, naming
things and off-by-one errors.

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