Re: 3.6 Feature: Initial setup

On 04/22/2012 04:47 AM, Matthias Clasen wrote:
> We haven't really gotten off the ground with 3.6 feature proposals
> yet, so I'll make a start by announcing something that I hope to
> complete for 3.6: A nice initial setup experience.
> I have created a feature page describing this here:
> The design can be found here:
> The idea here is that we should help a user who boots his newly
> installed GNOME for the first time with the setup tasks that are
> necessary to make the system usable. Traditionally, this has been
> distribution territory, with various tools like firstboot that run at
> some point in the boot phase before the login screen. We can do a
> nicer job by replacing the login screen on the first boot, and we can
> make the transition from the initial-setup tool to the user session
> seamless.
> The design currently has screens for
> - network
> - user account
> - location/timezone
> - online accounts
> The idea is that we want to ask as few things as possible while still
> ending up with a system that is ready to use. We don't want to ask for
> settings which have good defaults or can be autodetected.

In Arch Linux our users like to do themselves all the configurations
needed for gnome, like daemons, most of them are not using
networkmanager or gdm and not to mention adding their system users.

> The initial-setup support in gdm will be entirely optional, so
> distributions can continue to use their own mechanisms if they prefer.

I hope that this feature can be disabled at compilation time.

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