Re: systemd as external dependency

On Thu, 2011-05-19 at 10:18 -0400, Michael Terry wrote:
> On 19 May 2011 09:19, Lennart Poettering <mztabzr 0pointer de> wrote:
> > (also, all big distributions but one have announced their plans to
> > switch to systemd by now)
> Hopefully it's easy to see how such comments (and the way it's phrased
> -- that one distro has a name!) dovetail with the concerns elsewhere
> in this thread about GNOME and Ubuntu.
> So what are the criteria for deciding which platforms to drop from
> GNOME's scope?
> This thread is making it sound like the release team is OK with
> criteria like "whichever platforms systemd doesn't run on," which
> would certainly seem to put Ubuntu next in line for the axe.

I think you need to look at the thread again. That was never mentioned,
and we even mentioned ways for distributions that don't use systemd as
the init system to ship the D-Bus mechanisms.

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