Re: no external panels for gnome-control-center [was GNOME Feature Proposal: Backup]

On 12 May 2011 23:42, Luca Ferretti <lferrett gnome org> wrote:
> Il giorno gio, 12/05/2011 alle 20.45 +0100, Sergey Udaltsov ha scritto:
>> GNOME is not an OS. GNOME is not a distribution. GNOME is a core
>> desktop ("desktop building toolkit", if you like) that is used by
>> distributions - it is them who define the _final_ user experience. Do
>> we all agree that GNOME should be distribution-friendly, that GNOME
>> should trust distributions, make their life reasonably comfortable?
> I totally agree, IMHO GNOME is a base to allow distributors, vendors and
> third parts to build up and extend their own user experience and
> services and "fight" on free market. No competition means stagnation.
> But it seems by now we are a small minority :-|
Or are we a silent majority?  It seems we don't have enough
information to say either way.

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