Re: no external panels for gnome-control-center [was GNOME Feature Proposal: Backup]

> Extension- and plug-in systems is often the symptom of a disease.
How would you distinguish...?

> [1] : Except of course if some downstreams do development in their own
> fucking sandbox.. no, this is not a cheap jab at Canonical.. it
> includes e.g. Red Hat too. Or SUSE.
Thank you, that is very interesting and insightful info. The question
is - could (or would) GNOME do something to avoid that situation with
g-c-c could be for linux what "system preferences" are for macos or
"control panel" for windows - configuring every aspect of OS except
configs of desktop apps (but including system configs, server apps
config etc). Well, if gnome does not want it, let it be so. I am just
kindly asking to put together some kind of policy document about all
those things. Is that a reasonable and constructive request?


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