Re: no external panels for gnome-control-center [was GNOME Feature Proposal: Backup]

> No, GNOME is not a supermarket. It's not a place where you go to get
> your technology so you can put it together in your own sandbox. This
> might be inconvenient for downstreams (including my employer) but it
> is what it is. The fact that you _can_ (easily) fork GNOME just
> happens to be a side-effect of the license. It's not the major point
> of the project.
My whole point was that in the ideal world GNOME could be extensible
enough so that no _forking_ would be necessary. Extension modules, not
patches. That would be not a side effect of the license but the
fundamental feature of the architecture. Do you see the difference?

Well, anyway, there are other people who drive the project. I just
think it would be fair if GNOME could make some official statement on
extensibility policy. That question was already asked in that thread,
before my intervention. That probably is worth a page on


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