Re: Looking for a volunteer: gnome-system-monitor porting

On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 22:35, Chris Kühl <blixtra gmail com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 10:09 PM, Joseph Pingenot
> <gnome-ddl digitasaru net> wrote:
>> From Chris Kühl on Monday, 24 January, 2011:
>>>On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 4:24 PM, Matthias Clasen
>>><matthias clasen gmail com> wrote:
>>>> Hey,
>>>> we are shipping a single gtkmm application in the meta-gnome-core
>>>> moduleset: gnome-system-monitor. It is nice to showcase our C++
>>>> bindings in this way, and a system-monitor is certainly a utility that
>>>> one would expect as part of the desktop. Unfortunately, it is still
>>>> using the 2.x bindings, and there has been no action at all to port it
>>>> to the bindings that we are actually going to include in GNOME 3.
>>>> So, the release team is looking for a volunteer to take on porting
>>>> gnome-system-monitor to gtk3. This should not be all that much work,
>>>> and there are some patches in bugzilla already.
>>>> Please coordinate with the maintainers before diving in (I've cc'ed them here).
>>>I'd like to tackle the port to the 3.0 bindings as Murray has given
>>>the ok to use Openismus time on this. I can start looking into it and
>>>talking to the maintainers tomorrow.
>> Sounds like you're the better option; mind if I give you some patches?  :)
> Not at all. I'll see what I've gotten myself into when I take a closer
> look at the code tomorrow. As andre said on IRC, we should use the
> following bugs to avoid duplicate work.

Is the plan to go for gtk3-only or to keep compatibility for gtk2?
Would it be reasonable to start landing the patches from bugzilla in a

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