Re: Platform for Developer Documentation

Le lundi 08 mars 2010 à 15:54 +0000, Alberto Ruiz a écrit : 
> I'm growing a bit sick of GNOME having to be in this "limbo" situation
> where it can't stick to any technology because downstream
> distributions choose not to ship some components by default.

Ever wondered why we choose not to ship those components?

> PackageKit and PulseAudio are two projects that are pretty well
> aligned with the GNOME platform in terms of API technology and goals,
> they solve hard problems to solve, they don't have any real contenders
> (yes they have problems, but if we wait until they are perfect, we
> will never have a platform).

So far, I think these projects are clearly not on par with the rest of
GNOME in terms of stability and integration.

> So my take on this is, embrace those, help downstream to embrace them,
> but let's not hold back or we will end up with a half arsed platform
> that tries to solve everyone's problems and will end up solving no
> one's.

I’m still missing the “help downstream to embrace them” part. In
previous GNOME releases, the only way to get some of the GNOME
components to work correctly was to patch out the pieces based on
unusable technologies.

So far, new technologies have always stabilized pretty well after a
couple more releases (e.g. GIO and devicekit-* for recent successful
examples) but specifically for PulseAudio and PackageKit, I have not
witnessed significant progress. PackageKit is being made to work thanks
to a reimplementation of the D-Bus API (SessionInstaller), and
PulseAudio is still pointing fingers at the kernel, without enough
apparent progress being made in the kernel.

To sum up, I’m certainly not advocating any kind of technology
stagnation and I encourage all developers to keep on improving and
redesigning software layers, but I also encourage you to have a look
behind and wonder whether new technologies were actually successful.

 .''`.      Josselin Mouette
: :' :
`. `'   “I recommend you to learn English in hope that you in
  `-     future understand things”  -- Jörg Schilling

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