Re: Module proposal: Empathy for GNOME 2.24


Am Donnerstag, den 27.03.2008, 11:18 +0100 schrieb Patryk Zawadzki:
> On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 10:26 AM, Martyn Russell <martyn imendio com> wrote:
> >  Currently there are 22 files which either have or should have my/Gossip
> >  copyright information in libempathy alone. There are 43 source files. So
> >  half of libempathy is not copyright to you to re-license.
> So you are basically saying "I'm -1 because of relicensing problems
> that I'm causing myself?" Please point the rest of us to the
> discussion where Imendio/Gossip staff gives their reasons against

Don't blame the Gossip people for this; for a library with the scope of
empathy this should have been considered by Collabora when they forked


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