Re: minimal required version of GTK for GNOME 2.18

On Mon, 2007-02-19 at 20:19 +0200, Jani Monoses wrote:
> I did not suggest enforcing a specific version, but was wondering if the diversity is intentional.
> There are surely some modules where the requirement is there because nobody got around to bump it.
> Restating the question somewhat: are there reasons for specifically checking for pre 2.6
> platforms? Having a requirement on 2.4 is ok if no >=2.6 APIs are used, but ifdefs for pre and post
> 2.6 or 2.4 gtk are ugly (ex: network-manager-applet, gnome-games)

If any 'ifdef' statements are outdated and unnescisarry, patches that
safely remove those statements will most probably be happily accepted by
thier maintainers - some of those modules may have reasons for keeping
that conditional code - some of them may have just not recieved patches
that remove the 'deadcode' yet :D


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