Re: Multiple sessions for the same user?

If there is a UPS and pulling out the power cord at least will trip an
event that we can communicate to people working on the machine that they
should immediately save their work.  (or I suppose if we are talking
about presence, save their work for them based on some kind of policy)


On Sat, 2007-12-29 at 21:06 +0100, Christian Kirbach wrote:
> On Fri, 28 Dec 2007 23:39:34 +0100, Iain Nicol <iain thenicols net> wrote:
> > If I'm physically at a machine, then there's nothing to stop me ripping
> > out the power cable, or holding down the shutdown button long enough to
> > cause a hard shutdown.
> You cannot assume this for all systems; while most home user systems entail
> physical access it does not neccessarily hold true for an university or  
> company
> environment.
> For example, at my former university I remeber computers savely locked away
>  from users while all directly connected peripheral was fully exposed.
> > Warning users that another user is logged on is of course a good idea.
> Agreed. We really want this.
Sriram Ramkrishna <sri aracnet com>

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