Re: Don't forget the some folks use network access to Gnome

On Sat, 2007-12-08 at 02:24 +0100, Olav Vitters wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 07, 2007 at 12:13:19PM +0000, Seb James wrote:
> > 1) It would be really nice if the "reduced resources" switch was
> > available in the normal Gnome Windows preferences UI
> > (Desktop->Preferences->Windows). The "reduced resources" switch I mean
> > is the one availabe in gconf-editor as
> > apps->metacity->general->reduced_resources on my Debian Sarge desktop.
> And what the purpose would this serve? If a slow connection means that
> you want to have GNOME use less resources, it should just use less
> resources. Meaning: there shouldn't be an option to do the right thing
> (if detectable).

Hello Olav,

The reduced_resources switch (as far as I can see) just makes windows
into a wireframe when you move them or re-size them. I don't think that
program logic could correctly determine the user's preference. Some
folks will want the windows to be fully-viewable as they move them, and
will live with the extra lag. Others (I'm in this  group) prefer the
windows to show up as a wireframe so that they are responsive. I think
if we were to choose some cut off point in terms of bandwidth/lagtime
and switch to wireframe windows at that point, then people would get
upset when windows had a behaviour which they didn't expect.

I think users should be given the choice.

best regards,


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