Re: Notifications for build & release issues: gnome-control-center

On 10/20/06, Davyd Madeley <davyd madeley id au> wrote:
In many respects, jhbuild _is_ the dependency tree for building GNOME. A
mode like `jhbuild list` will give you a list of packages you need to
build. It would be easily possible to put the output of this command on
a webpage if people thought they needed that.

Also worth noting is that you can get the exact list of modules &
tarball version number for a given tarball release (in addition to
getting a valid build order), if you have jhbuild installed, via the

 jhbuild -m
list -r

(replacing both instances of '2.16.1' with the appropriate gnome
version you are interested in).  Of course there are a couple
'virtual' modules in the list, but they all begin with 'meta-' and
thus can easily be removed.  If there are people that would find this
information useful, it shouldn't be hard to put up on a page
somewhere.  Is there anything other than build order, module list, and
version numbers that are needed for ISVs/ISDs wanting to build GNOME?

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