Re: Metacity Compositor

This is very much not a detail, but the last time I tried compiz (which
was on ubuntu dapper), it lacked *ALL* of the keybindings to maximize,
minimize, etc windows. Certainly not a "minor detail".

On Tue, 3 Oct 2006, [UTF-8] Kristian Høgsberg wrote:

On 10/3/06, Rob Adams <readams readams net> wrote:
On Tue, 2006-10-03 at 21:18 +0100, Toby Smithe wrote:

I had a feeling this would be the case, and I doubted inclusion as soon
as I sent off the e-mail. I don't want a Compiz clone, so I probably
think that doing something new is the better approach. It's just that
there is a working infrastructure there, and it's a pity to waste it.

Compiz is really more of a technology demo than a seriously credible
contender as a main window manager for either the GNOME or the KDE
projects.  It has lots of pretty eye candy (though for me it's beyond
painfully slow), but it's not a particularly good window manager.  You
don't have to use it for very long before you notice lots of little
details about "being a window manager" that it gets wrong.

It would be nice if you could back up these claims with examples of
such missing details.  Or even better, file bugs so we can get them
fixed.  There is a component for compiz in the



Chipzz AKA
Jan Van Buggenhout

                 UNIX isn't dead - It just smells funny
                           Chipzz ULYSSIS Org
"Baldric, you wouldn't recognize a subtle plan if it painted itself pur-
 ple and danced naked on a harpsicord singing 'subtle plans are here a-

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