Re: Crash reports from GNOME bindings

On Sun, 2006-06-18 at 17:48 +0300, Fernando Herrera wrote:
> Hello,
> current vesion of bug-buddy (HEAD) has a working "--include" option.
> The idea of this option is to get info about non-standards crashes.
> Non standard crashes are, for example, python, C# or java Falta Exceptions.
> With current C applications we are getting all segfaults from
> libgnomeui handler, that invokes bug-buddy with a pid to run gdb on
> it. But we want also reports coming from gnome-python, gnome-java and
> Gtk# applications, so here is the question:
> Are you guys (these bindings maintainers) ok with this --include
> option to add info from your crashes? Could we have these handlers for
> GNOME 2.16 release?

  This sounds like a very good idea.   But could you give more details?
What does the --include option accept?  A string, file name, ...?  I
rather pass information through a pipe, really, anything else is bound
to reach either a cmdline length limit, or force you to create a
temporary file (if done wrong we'll be seeing those security fixes due
to bad tmpfile handling in a few months).

  Thanks and regards.

> Salu2.
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