Re: Mono bindings a blessed dependency? [Was: Tomboy in 2.16]

On Fri, 2006-04-21 at 17:58 +0200, Emmanuele Bassi wrote:
> [1] Dublin Core anyone? Timestamps not using ISO8601 but something that
> is similar-yet-not-quite-enough?

Now look what's happened.  My main gripes are:

1) no generic way to say "title".  There is File.Description,
Audio.Title, Audio.Comment, Doc.Title, Doc.Subject, Doc.Comments,
Image.Title, Image.Comments and Image.Description.  What if my generic
interface just wants to show the title of a result?  Ditto for many
other fields: Doc.Keywords, Image.Keywords but no Audio.Keywords.

2) as I mentioned in my other mail, until yesterday the File.* date
fields were missing their timezone.  As Emmanuele points out are now
almost but not quite ISO 8601, apart from Audio.Date, Audio.LastPlay,
Doc.Created and Image.Date which still don't have a timezone, and really

3) "For images, most support the EXIF standard and so a subset of this
makes up part of this specification.".  Why a subset?  What about the
rest of the EXIF metadata?  My photos contain the exposure time and
focal length, so why can't I use tracker to search for all long exposure

Considering Tracker has a RDF Query API, I'm shocked that it doesn't use
a RDF triple store internally.  You can create a MySQL-based triple
store using librdf in a few lines of Python, which reduces the effort in
writing a beagle/tracker clone to the metadata extraction libraries, and
nice front-end APIs.  Arbitrary metadata can be added without any extra
work, and it would build on the years of work by semantic web people.

Rant over.  The first person to say "stop energy" gets their username in
a SJ blacklist. :)

Ross Burton                                 mail: ross burtonini com
                                          jabber: ross burtonini com
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