Re: Default theme

Il giorno gio, 14/07/2005 alle 17.17 -0500, Shaun McCance ha scritto:
> Really.  The default theme.  Let's make this happen.
> Take that tarball.  Extract it in a fresh gnome-themes checkout.
> It'll add the Clearlooks Metacity theme, the ClearlooksBlue GTK
> theme, and the ClearlooksBlue desktop theme.

      * You forgot to add desktop-themes/ClearlooksBlue/
        to po/
      * the same file is broken ("GtkTheme=ClearlooksBright" ???) and
        provides a really poor comment ("Comment=Attractive Usability")
      * Moreover, are you sure ClearlooksBlue is the proper name to
        use??? Do you remember the Smooth -> Glider renaming?

Of course to make it the default theme we need to patch libgnome and
metacity[1], changing /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_theme
and /apps/metacity/general/theme GConf keys default value from Simple to
ClearlooksBlue (or whatever will be the name).

[1] mmmhhhh, this means that metacity should depend on gnome-themes ????

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