Re: Integrated CD ripping/playing (instead of goobox/sound juicer)

Havoc Pennington wrote:
...The Sound Juicer design today:

1. Choose "CD Ripper" from applications menu
2. Click "Extract"

Two steps and both of them are easy (no hard questions, no drag and
drop, etc.)

This is nice - agreed. Though, I'm still not totally convinced that much (if anything) is sacrificed by combining playing and ripping into one app.

If an "Extract" button was added to the Goobox toolbar ( then you would have the same experience you describe above from Sound Juicer.

Linking back and for between the ripper-app and the player-app as you described in another email could work well, though I'm not sure it makes sense to bounce back and forth between two apps (each with their own playlist) like that.

For example, if you had some kind of "play" button next to each track in the ripping app, and it opened a player-app - you'd click on a play button next to one track and end up with an entire new playlist of the same contents you started with.

Perhaps someone could mockup what the stand-alone player and ripper app UIs would/could look like?

Enjoying the debate,
Steven Garrity

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