Re: Polypaudio for Gnome 2.10, the next steps

On Tue, 23.11.04 13:27, Colin Walters (walters redhat com) wrote:

> > While gedit is the the *default* editor of Gnome, I don't use it, I
> > use Emacs. But I am OK with the decision to make gedit the default
> > editor. And that is exactly what I request for polypaudio: don't
> > depend on it, but suggest and use it as *default*. 
> Let's be precise - the important distinction between gedit versus Emacs
> isn't "defaultness"; it is which of them is included in the GNOME
> distribution, in particular the Platform or Desktop.  See:
> So if you are arguing that Polypaudio should be included in the Platform
> or Desktop modules, then I disagree with that.  It can be recommended
> for use, but it should not be required.  Put another way, applications
> in the GNOME Desktop can *not* depend on it explicitly.

I would like to see it adopted for the "GNOME Desktop" release
set. (as described on that page). Polypaudio should "provide the user's
desktop environment". Application in the GNOME desktop can *not*
depend on it. The same way that gedit doesn't depend on

> Speaking for Fedora, we will make a decision on this, hopefully for FC4,
> and we will implement it across the entire OS so that sound mixing works
> *everywhere*, not just in GNOME.

BTW: Interesting to see two redhat guys argue completely different in
this case. First there is employee A, let's call him "Alan Cox". A
says that for adopting a new sound server in gnome it should be usable
for networked audio and have X11 synchronization, support
for a11y and a sane authentication scheme based on X11. (requests that
really make sense, btw). And then there's employee B, let's call him
"Colin Walters". B says sound servers are evil, let's drop them
altogether, networked audio is no asset. Does RedHat want networked
audio, or doesn't it? 


name { Lennart Poettering } loc { Hamburg - Germany }
mail { mzft (at) 0pointer (dot) de } gpg { 1A015CC4 }  
www { } icq# { 11060553 }

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