Re: GNOME Printing

On 12/06/04 06:56, Colin Walters wrote:

Red Hat has been shipping a little icon called "eggcups" in Fedora that
catches a D-BUS signal from the (patched) local cupsd, and causes a
notification icon to display.  When you click on it, it shows the
printer browser.

We decided that instead, it should show a list of your print jobs.  Our
approach was to extend the D-BUS patch for cupsd a lot, and give the
system enough information to track user jobs.  This also entailed
basically rewriting eggcups from scratch.

It all basically works now - you can start a job, and the icon appears. When all your active jobs are complete, the icon greys out.
How well does this handle remote printers? In many situations, there won't be any local printers set up in CUPS -- the only printers visible will be those that CUPS discovers on the network.

This is quite a common situation in larger deployments, and for laptops (just install CUPS, and you can print to whatever printer is on the network you are currently connected to). Does your code simply not provide a notification in this case, or appear as a print job that never completes?


Email: james jamesh id au

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