XKeyboardConfig wants to rip gkb-new - but ...

Hi all

There is new X Keyboard Configuration database project
(http://freedesktop.org/Software/XKeyboardConfig) which is trying to
build the storage of X Keyboard Configuration elements (layouts etc). As
a maintainer of this project, I'd like to borrow xmodmap configuration
files included with gkb-new applet (which was historically first
keyboard applet and is working now in xkb-less environments) - and
include them in our project. But there is a licensing problem.
XKeyboardConfig uses standard MIT X11 license, while gkb-new (being a
part of gnome-applets) is covered by GPL. I am not a big specialist in
the licesing and legislation - so I ask here: is there any way to export
this data? What could I do about it?



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