Re: Login-out proposed features

I would have to agree that these visual dress-ups do add a lot for the user experiance.. If you forinstance look at XP's login procedure you will find that a lot of the loading is done in the background while you are being entertained with changing graphics. As long as 'something is happening' and it draws your attention, a few seconds is hardly noticable; However being confronted with just a few second wait without drawing your attention, it seems like a awefully long time. I gues water really does not cook while your watching it ;-)

A simple fullscreen graphic with a small animation and a non technical statement like 'starting up' or 'logging in user', would go a long way to hide load times where aplicable.

MArk Finlay wrote:
On Sun, 2003-02-16 at 14:50, Psyk[o] wrote:
I think that should be cool to have a login/logout effect similar to
"lock screen" effect (fade-in & fade-out). Someone can grab the code
from the screensaver proprieties in control center.

For logout I agree that a fadout would be cool. But login takes to long.
I'd much prefer to see an effect like in enlightnement 16.

You would have a full screen graphic[1] on the screen which would stay
there until the panels and desktop have fully loaded. The graphic would
then split in the middle and move off screen upwards and downwards, or
to the sides. A kind of curtin effect. Would be cool to make it

I once ran nautilus with e16 and my god did it look sweet to have their
login effect "slide open" to reveal nautilus.

I think that the login part was discussed pre 2.2 as part of a
discussion about getting rid of the splash screen. Can't remember if ppl
came to any conclusions though.

[1] Preferable some really slick graphic with the gnome logo and an
animated hourglass or something like that. Visual impact is EVERYTHING.


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