Re: GNOME Development Series Snapshot 2.3.0: "Mighty Atom"

<quote who="Damien Sandras">

> Le ven 11/04/2003 ? 13:55, Jeff Waugh a ?crit :
> > The proposals list is TOTALLY NOT FINAL, ie. anyone can propose a module
> > for addition right now.
> I'll propose GnomeMeeting one more time then. It is the last time that I
> propose it, if it gets rejected, I promise I won't ask again ;)

Sorry dude, it wasn't rejected yet, I just missed it when I was putting the
list together. It's definitely up for discussion again. :-)

- Jeff

-- 2004: Adelaide, Australia
   "I would hack on the file selector. But I think I would write like, 3
   LOC for every 100 lines of mail I had to read/write." - James Willcox

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