Re: New 2.4 modules - fontilus and themus

Murray Cumming Comneon com writes:

> > From: Jonathan Blandford [mailto:jrb redhat com] 
> > >   fontilus - Font management and information tools.
> > >   themus - Theme management and information tools.
> > 
> > It makes a lot of sense for these two modules to be folded 
> > back into the
> > control-center,
> Do you mean there would be Fonts and Themes menu items next to the other
> control center menu items that would just
> open nautilus windows for fonts:// and themes:// ?

Nope.  I'm just talking about moving the code there as there's a bunch
of shared/cut-n-paste code between the three modules.

> Does this mean that your new Themes control panel would disappear. I'd like
> to hear how themus is better than, or adds something to, the current control
> panel.

They supplement it.  That is, the 'manage themes' button that currently
opens nautilus in ~/.themes will instead send you to themes:///


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