RE: New 2.4 modules - fontilus and themus

> From: Jonathan Blandford [mailto:jrb redhat com] 
> > > >   fontilus - Font management and information tools.
> > > >   themus - Theme management and information tools.
> > > 
> > > It makes a lot of sense for these two modules to be folded 
> > > back into the
> > > control-center,
> > 
> > Do you mean there would be Fonts and Themes menu items next 
> to the other
> > control center menu items that would just
> > open nautilus windows for fonts:// and themes:// ?
> Nope.  I'm just talking about moving the code there as there's a bunch
> of shared/cut-n-paste code between the three modules.

OK. Sounds good. Which functionality does this cover?
> > Does this mean that your new Themes control panel would 
> disappear. I'd like
> > to hear how themus is better than, or adds something to, 
> the current control
> > panel.
> They supplement it.  That is, the 'manage themes' button that 
> currently
> opens nautilus in ~/.themes will instead send you to themes:///

That sounds good.

Is themes a good URI prefix (protocol name thingy)? Can we imagine the term
theme being used for anything else?

Also, if we ever decide to hide the URI in Nautilus windows will this still
make sense?

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net 

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