Re: cvs build
- From: Havoc Pennington <hp redhat com>
- To: Michael Meeks <michael ximian com>
- Cc: Jeroen Zwartepoorte <jeroen xs4all nl>, desktop-devel-list gnome org
- Subject: Re: cvs build
- Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2003 15:45:18 -0400
On Tue, Apr 08, 2003 at 06:17:17PM +0100, Michael Meeks wrote:
> > I'm not sure you want me to commit the automake 1.7 stuff, because it
> > probably breaks distcheck in not-easy-to-fix ways.
> I'm somewhat resigned to that; I'm hoping that automake-1.6 may ease
> some of the problems; does it ?
Not sure. I think it still does the non-writable srcdir and the
uninstall check.
> This is indeed odd; perhaps it's a gpp related problem, I suspect that
> perhaps the IDL is not being pre-processed correctly; if you can touch
> an IDL file that is not building correctly, and then run gpp with the
> same cflags; and post the output - it'd be most helpful.
Attached, though it does not look broken offhand.
# 1 "../idl/Bonobo.idl"
# 1 "<built-in>"
# 1 "<command line>"
# 1 "../idl/Bonobo.idl"
# 21 "../idl/Bonobo.idl"
# 1 "../idl/Bonobo_Unknown.idl" 1
# 26 "../idl/Bonobo_Unknown.idl"
module Bonobo {
interface Unknown {
void ref ();
void unref ();
# 50 "../idl/Bonobo_Unknown.idl"
Unknown queryInterface (in string repoid);
# 22 "../idl/Bonobo.idl" 2
# 1 "../idl/Bonobo_GenericFactory.idl" 1
# 20 "../idl/Bonobo_GenericFactory.idl"
# 1 "../idl/Bonobo_Activation_types.idl" 1
# 19 "../idl/Bonobo_Activation_types.idl"
module Bonobo {
typedef sequence<string> StringList;
exception GeneralError {
string description;
module Activation {
exception NotListed {};
exception AlreadyListed {};
exception IncompleteContext {};
exception ParseFailed {
string description;
typedef string ImplementationID;
typedef string ActivationID;
typedef long ActivationFlags;
const ActivationFlags ACTIVATION_FLAG_NO_LOCAL = 1<<0;
const ActivationFlags ACTIVATION_FLAG_PRIVATE = 1<<1;
const ActivationFlags ACTIVATION_FLAG_EXISTING_ONLY = 1<<2;
struct ActivationEnvValue {
string name;
string value;
boolean unset;
typedef sequence<ActivationEnvValue> ActivationEnvironment;
enum ActivationResultType {
union ActivationResultData switch (ActivationResultType) {
Object res_object;
Bonobo::StringList res_shlib;
struct ActivationResult {
string aid;
ActivationResultData res;
enum ActivationPropertyType {
union ActivationPropertyValue switch (ActivationPropertyType) {
string value_string;
double value_number;
boolean value_boolean;
Bonobo::StringList value_stringv;
struct ActivationProperty {
string name;
ActivationPropertyValue v;
struct ServerInfo {
ImplementationID iid;
string server_type;
string location_info;
string username, hostname, domain;
sequence<ActivationProperty> props;
typedef sequence<ServerInfo> ServerInfoList;
enum RegistrationResult {
# 21 "../idl/Bonobo_GenericFactory.idl" 2
module Bonobo {
interface GenericFactory : Bonobo::Unknown {
exception CannotActivate { };
# 36 "../idl/Bonobo_GenericFactory.idl"
Object createObject (in string iid)
raises (CannotActivate);
# 23 "../idl/Bonobo.idl" 2
# 1 "../idl/Bonobo_Exception.idl" 1
# 13 "../idl/Bonobo_Exception.idl"
module Bonobo {
exception NotSupported {};
exception NotImplemented {};
exception IOError {};
exception BadArg {};
# 26 "../idl/Bonobo.idl" 2
# 1 "../idl/Bonobo_Moniker.idl" 1
# 17 "../idl/Bonobo_Moniker.idl"
module Bonobo {
typedef long ResolveFlag;
struct ResolveOptions {
ResolveFlag flags;
long timeout;
interface Moniker : Bonobo::Unknown {
exception InterfaceNotFound {};
exception TimeOut {};
exception InvalidSyntax {};
exception UnknownPrefix {};
Moniker getParent ();
void setParent (in Moniker parent);
string getName ()
raises (InvalidSyntax);
# 63 "../idl/Bonobo_Moniker.idl"
void setName (in string name)
raises (InvalidSyntax, UnknownPrefix);
# 74 "../idl/Bonobo_Moniker.idl"
Unknown resolve (in ResolveOptions options,
in string requestedInterface)
raises (InterfaceNotFound,
# 88 "../idl/Bonobo_Moniker.idl"
long equal (in string name);
void unImplemented1 ();
void unImplemented2 ();
interface MonikerExtender : Bonobo::Unknown {
# 107 "../idl/Bonobo_Moniker.idl"
Unknown resolve (in Moniker m,
in ResolveOptions options,
in string name,
in string requestedInterface)
raises (Moniker::InterfaceNotFound,
void unImplemented1 ();
void unImplemented2 ();
void unImplemented3 ();
void unImplemented4 ();
# 27 "../idl/Bonobo.idl" 2
# 1 "../idl/Bonobo_Context.idl" 1
# 13 "../idl/Bonobo_Context.idl"
# 1 "../idl/Bonobo_Storage.idl" 1
# 24 "../idl/Bonobo_Storage.idl"
module Bonobo {
typedef long StorageInfoFields;
const StorageInfoFields FIELD_CONTENT_TYPE = 1;
const StorageInfoFields FIELD_SIZE = 2;
const StorageInfoFields FIELD_TYPE = 4;
typedef string ContentType;
enum StorageType {
struct StorageInfo {
string name;
StorageType type;
ContentType content_type;
long size;
interface Stream : Unknown {
typedef sequence<octet> iobuf;
exception NoPermission {};
exception NotSupported {};
exception IOError {};
enum SeekType {
# 65 "../idl/Bonobo_Storage.idl"
StorageInfo getInfo (in StorageInfoFields mask)
raises (IOError, NoPermission, NotSupported);
void setInfo (in StorageInfo info, in StorageInfoFields mask)
raises (IOError, NoPermission, NotSupported);
void read (in long count, out iobuf buffer)
raises (NoPermission, IOError);
void write (in iobuf buffer)
raises (NoPermission, IOError);
# 101 "../idl/Bonobo_Storage.idl"
long seek (in long offset, in SeekType whence)
raises (IOError, NotSupported);
void truncate (in long length)
raises (IOError, NoPermission, NotSupported);
void commit ()
raises (IOError, NoPermission, NotSupported);
void revert ()
raises (IOError, NoPermission, NotSupported);
void unImplemented1 ();
void unImplemented2 ();
interface Storage : Unknown {
typedef sequence<StorageInfo> DirectoryList;
typedef long OpenMode;
const OpenMode READ = 1;
const OpenMode WRITE = 2;
const OpenMode CREATE = 4;
const OpenMode FAILIFEXIST = 8;
const OpenMode COMPRESSED = 16;
const OpenMode TRANSACTED = 32;
exception IOError {};
exception NameExists {};
exception NotFound {};
exception NoPermission {};
exception NotSupported {};
exception NotStream {};
exception NotStorage {};
exception NotEmpty {};
# 162 "../idl/Bonobo_Storage.idl"
StorageInfo getInfo (in string path,
in StorageInfoFields mask)
raises (IOError, NoPermission, NotFound, NotSupported);
# 173 "../idl/Bonobo_Storage.idl"
void setInfo (in string path, in StorageInfo info,
in StorageInfoFields mask)
raises (IOError, NoPermission, NotFound, NotSupported);
# 184 "../idl/Bonobo_Storage.idl"
Stream openStream (in string path, in OpenMode mode)
raises (IOError, NotFound, NoPermission,
NotStream, NameExists);
# 195 "../idl/Bonobo_Storage.idl"
Storage openStorage (in string path, in OpenMode mode)
raises (IOError, NotFound, NoPermission,
NotStorage, NameExists);
void copyTo (in Storage target)
raises (IOError, NoPermission);
# 216 "../idl/Bonobo_Storage.idl"
DirectoryList listContents (in string path,
in StorageInfoFields mask)
raises (IOError, NotStorage, NotFound, NotSupported);
# 227 "../idl/Bonobo_Storage.idl"
void erase (in string path)
raises (IOError, NoPermission, NotFound, NotEmpty);
# 237 "../idl/Bonobo_Storage.idl"
void rename (in string path_name, in string new_path_name)
raises (IOError, NameExists, NotFound, NoPermission);
# 247 "../idl/Bonobo_Storage.idl"
void commit ()
raises (IOError, NoPermission, NotSupported);
void revert ()
raises (IOError, NoPermission, NotSupported);
void unImplemented1 ();
void unImplemented2 ();
# 14 "../idl/Bonobo_Context.idl" 2
module Bonobo {
interface MonikerContext : Unknown {
Unknown getObject (in string name,
in string repoId);
Moniker createFromName (in string name);
# 46 "../idl/Bonobo_Context.idl"
MonikerExtender getExtender (in string monikerPrefix,
in string interfaceId);
void unImplemented1 ();
void unImplemented2 ();
void unImplemented3 ();
void unImplemented4 ();
void unImplemented5 ();
void unImplemented6 ();
interface RunningContext : Unknown {
void addObject (in Object obj);
void removeObject (in Object obj);
void addKey (in string key);
void removeKey (in string key);
void atExitUnref (in Object obj);
void unImplemented1 ();
void unImplemented2 ();
# 139 "../idl/Bonobo_Context.idl"
# 28 "../idl/Bonobo.idl" 2
# 1 "../idl/Bonobo_Persist.idl" 1
# 18 "../idl/Bonobo_Persist.idl"
module Bonobo {
interface Persist : Unknown {
enum Status {
exception WrongDataType {};
exception FileNotFound {};
typedef string ContentType;
typedef sequence<ContentType> ContentTypeList;
# 40 "../idl/Bonobo_Persist.idl"
ContentTypeList getContentTypes ();
typedef string IID;
IID getIId ();
boolean isDirty ();
void unImplemented1 ();
void unImplemented2 ();
# 70 "../idl/Bonobo_Persist.idl"
interface PersistFile : Persist {
exception NoCurrentName {
string extension;
# 83 "../idl/Bonobo_Persist.idl"
void load (in string uri)
raises (IOError, NotSupported,
WrongDataType, FileNotFound);
void save (in string uri)
raises (IOError, NotSupported);
string getCurrentFile ()
raises (NoCurrentName);
void unImplemented3 ();
void unImplemented4 ();
interface PersistStorage : Persist {
# 123 "../idl/Bonobo_Persist.idl"
void load (in Bonobo::Storage storage)
raises (IOError, NotSupported,
# 136 "../idl/Bonobo_Persist.idl"
void save (in Bonobo::Storage storage,
in boolean same_as_loaded)
raises (IOError, NotSupported);
# 150 "../idl/Bonobo_Persist.idl"
interface PersistStream : Persist {
# 160 "../idl/Bonobo_Persist.idl"
void load (in Bonobo::Stream stream, in ContentType type)
raises (IOError, NotSupported,
# 177 "../idl/Bonobo_Persist.idl"
void save (in Bonobo::Stream stream, in ContentType type)
raises (IOError, NotSupported,
void unImplemented3 ();
void unImplemented4 ();
# 32 "../idl/Bonobo.idl" 2
# 1 "../idl/Bonobo_Listener.idl" 1
# 16 "../idl/Bonobo_Listener.idl"
module Bonobo {
interface Listener : Bonobo::Unknown {
# 27 "../idl/Bonobo_Listener.idl"
oneway void event (in string event_name, in any args);
void unImplemented ();
void unImplemented2 ();
interface EventSource : Bonobo::Unknown {
exception UnknownListener {};
# 43 "../idl/Bonobo_Listener.idl"
void addListener (in Listener l);
# 56 "../idl/Bonobo_Listener.idl"
void addListenerWithMask (in Listener l,
in string event_mask);
void removeListener (in Listener l)
raises (UnknownListener);
void unImplemented ();
void unImplemented2 ();
# 35 "../idl/Bonobo.idl" 2
# 1 "../idl/Bonobo_Gdk.idl" 1
# 13 "../idl/Bonobo_Gdk.idl"
module Bonobo {
module Gdk {
enum EventType {
enum ButtonType {
enum KeyType {
enum CrossType {
enum CrossMode {
typedef long Time;
struct MotionEvent {
Gdk::Time time;
double x, y, x_root, y_root;
double pressure;
double xtilt, ytilt;
long state;
boolean is_hint;
struct ButtonEvent {
ButtonType type;
Gdk::Time time;
double x, y, x_root, y_root;
short button;
struct KeyEvent {
KeyType type;
Gdk::Time time;
short state;
short keyval;
short length;
string str;
struct CrossingEvent {
CrossType type;
Gdk::Time time;
double x, y, x_root, y_root;
CrossMode mode;
boolean focus;
short state;
struct FocusEvent {
boolean inside;
union Event switch (EventType) {
case Gdk::FOCUS: FocusEvent focus;
case Gdk::KEY: KeyEvent key;
case Gdk::MOTION: MotionEvent motion;
case Gdk::BUTTON: ButtonEvent button;
case Gdk::CROSSING: CrossingEvent crossing;
# 111 "../idl/Bonobo_Gdk.idl"
typedef string WindowId;
module Gtk {
struct Requisition {
long width;
long height;
enum State {
enum Direction {
# 36 "../idl/Bonobo.idl" 2
# 1 "../idl/Bonobo_UI.idl" 1
# 15 "../idl/Bonobo_UI.idl"
module Bonobo {
interface UIContainer;
interface UIComponent : Bonobo::Unknown {
void setContainer (in UIContainer container);
void unsetContainer ();
readonly attribute string name;
enum EventType {
string describeVerbs ();
oneway void execVerb (in string cname);
oneway void uiEvent (in string id,
in EventType type,
in string state);
void unImplemented ();
void unImplemented2 ();
void unImplemented3 ();
void unImplemented4 ();
interface UIContainer : Bonobo::Unknown {
exception MalformedXML {};
exception InvalidPath {};
exception NonExistentAttr {};
exception Insensitive {};
exception Unknown {};
void registerComponent (in string component_name,
in Bonobo::UIComponent component);
oneway void deregisterComponent (in string component_name);
oneway void freeze ();
oneway void thaw ();
oneway void setAttr (in string path,
in string attr,
in string value,
in string component_name);
string getAttr (in string path, in string attr)
raises (InvalidPath, NonExistentAttr);
void setNode (in string path, in string xml,
in string component_name)
raises (MalformedXML, InvalidPath);
string getNode (in string path,
in boolean nodeOnly)
raises (InvalidPath);
void removeNode (in string path,
in string by_component_name)
raises (InvalidPath);
boolean exists (in string path);
void execVerb (in string cname)
raises (Insensitive, Unknown);
void uiEvent (in string id,
in UIComponent::EventType type,
in string state)
raises (Insensitive, Unknown);
# 112 "../idl/Bonobo_UI.idl"
void setObject (in string path,
in Bonobo::Unknown control)
raises (InvalidPath);
Bonobo::Unknown getObject (in string path)
raises (InvalidPath);
void unImplemented ();
void unImplemented2 ();
void unImplemented3 ();
void unImplemented4 ();
# 37 "../idl/Bonobo.idl" 2
# 1 "../idl/Bonobo_Property.idl" 1
# 30 "../idl/Bonobo_Property.idl"
module Bonobo {
struct Pair {
string name;
any value;
typedef sequence<Pair> PropertySet;
typedef sequence<string> KeyList;
typedef long PropertyFlags;
const PropertyFlags PROPERTY_READABLE = 1;
const PropertyFlags PROPERTY_WRITEABLE = 2;
const PropertyFlags PROPERTY_NO_LISTENING = 4;
const PropertyFlags PROPERTY_NO_AUTONOTIFY = 8;
const PropertyFlags PROPERTY_NO_PERSIST = 16;
interface PropertyBag : Bonobo::Unknown {
exception NotFound {};
exception InvalidType {};
exception ReadOnly {};
exception BackendFailed {};
KeyList getKeys (in string filter)
raises (NotFound, BackendFailed);
# 71 "../idl/Bonobo_Property.idl"
CORBA::TypeCode getType (in string key)
raises (NotFound, BackendFailed);
any getValue (in string key)
raises (NotFound, BackendFailed);
void setValue (in string key, in any value)
raises (NotFound, InvalidType, ReadOnly, BackendFailed);
PropertySet getValues (in string filter)
raises (NotFound, BackendFailed);
void setValues (in PropertySet set)
raises (InvalidType, ReadOnly, BackendFailed);
# 118 "../idl/Bonobo_Property.idl"
any getDefault (in string key)
raises (NotFound, BackendFailed);
string getDocTitle (in string key)
raises (NotFound, BackendFailed);
string getDoc (in string key)
raises (NotFound, BackendFailed);
PropertyFlags getFlags (in string key)
raises (NotFound, BackendFailed);
void unImplemented1 ();
void unImplemented2 ();
void unImplemented3 ();
void unImplemented4 ();
interface ConfigDatabase : PropertyBag {
enum DBFlags {
readonly attribute boolean isWriteable;
KeyList getDirs (in string dir)
raises (NotFound, BackendFailed);
boolean hasDir (in string dir)
raises (BackendFailed);
void removeValue (in string key)
raises (BackendFailed);
void removeDir (in string dir)
raises (BackendFailed);
void addDatabase (in ConfigDatabase db, in string key,
in DBFlags flags)
raises (BackendFailed);
void sync ()
raises (BackendFailed);
void unImplemented5 ();
void unImplemented6 ();
void unImplemented7 ();
void unImplemented8 ();
# 38 "../idl/Bonobo.idl" 2
# 1 "../idl/Bonobo_Control.idl" 1
# 18 "../idl/Bonobo_Control.idl"
module Bonobo {
interface ControlFrame : Bonobo::Unknown {
Gdk::WindowId getToplevelId ();
PropertyBag getAmbientProperties ();
UIContainer getUIContainer ();
# 52 "../idl/Bonobo_Control.idl"
oneway void notifyActivated (in boolean state);
# 62 "../idl/Bonobo_Control.idl"
oneway void queueResize ();
# 75 "../idl/Bonobo_Control.idl"
oneway void activateURI (in string uri, in boolean relative);
# 84 "../idl/Bonobo_Control.idl"
Unknown getParentAccessible ();
void unImplemented ();
void unImplemented2 ();
interface Control : Bonobo::Unknown {
exception NoContents { };
PropertyBag getProperties ();
Gtk::Requisition getDesiredSize ();
Bonobo::Unknown getAccessible ();
# 126 "../idl/Bonobo_Control.idl"
Gdk::WindowId getWindowId (in string cookie)
raises (NoContents);
UIContainer getPopupContainer ();
# 144 "../idl/Bonobo_Control.idl"
oneway void setFrame (in ControlFrame frame);
# 153 "../idl/Bonobo_Control.idl"
oneway void setSize (in short width, in short height);
oneway void setState (in Gtk::State state);
oneway void activate (in boolean activate);
# 177 "../idl/Bonobo_Control.idl"
boolean focus (in Gtk::Direction direction);
void unImplemented ();
void unImplemented2 ();
void unImplemented3 ();
interface PropertyControl : Bonobo::Unknown {
readonly attribute long pageCount;
enum Action {
exception NoPage {};
# 221 "../idl/Bonobo_Control.idl"
Control getControl (in long pagenumber)
raises (NoPage);
# 231 "../idl/Bonobo_Control.idl"
void notifyAction (in long pagenumber, in Action action)
raises (NoPage);
void unImplemented ();
void unImplemented2 ();
# 39 "../idl/Bonobo.idl" 2
# 1 "../idl/Bonobo_Zoomable.idl" 1
# 30 "../idl/Bonobo_Zoomable.idl"
module Bonobo {
typedef float ZoomLevel;
typedef string ZoomLevelName;
typedef sequence<ZoomLevel> ZoomLevelList;
typedef sequence<ZoomLevelName> ZoomLevelNameList;
interface ZoomableFrame : ::Bonobo::Unknown {
# 52 "../idl/Bonobo_Zoomable.idl"
oneway void onLevelChanged (in float zoom_level);
# 61 "../idl/Bonobo_Zoomable.idl"
oneway void onParametersChanged ();
void unImplemented1 ();
void unImplemented2 ();
void unImplemented3 ();
void unImplemented4 ();
interface Zoomable : Bonobo::Unknown {
readonly attribute float level;
readonly attribute float minLevel;
readonly attribute float maxLevel;
readonly attribute boolean hasMinLevel;
readonly attribute boolean hasMaxLevel;
readonly attribute boolean isContinuous;
readonly attribute ZoomLevelList preferredLevels;
readonly attribute ZoomLevelNameList preferredLevelNames;
oneway void zoomIn ();
oneway void zoomOut ();
oneway void zoomFit ();
oneway void zoomDefault ();
# 108 "../idl/Bonobo_Zoomable.idl"
void setLevel (in float zoom_level);
void setFrame (in ZoomableFrame zoomable_frame);
void unImplemented1 ();
void unImplemented2 ();
void unImplemented3 ();
void unImplemented4 ();
# 40 "../idl/Bonobo.idl" 2
# 1 "../idl/Bonobo_ItemContainer.idl" 1
# 15 "../idl/Bonobo_ItemContainer.idl"
module Bonobo {
interface ItemContainer : Unknown {
typedef sequence<string> ObjectNames;
ObjectNames enumObjects ();
exception NotFound {};
exception SyntaxError {};
Unknown getObjectByName (in string item_name,
in boolean only_if_exists)
raises (SyntaxError, NotFound);
void unImplemented1 ();
void unImplemented2 ();
void unImplemented3 ();
void unImplemented4 ();
# 43 "../idl/Bonobo.idl" 2
# 1 "../idl/Bonobo_Canvas.idl" 1
# 17 "../idl/Bonobo_Canvas.idl"
module Bonobo {
module Canvas {
typedef sequence<octet> pixbuf;
typedef unsigned long window_id;
typedef long int32;
struct IRect {
long x0, y0, x1, y1;
struct DRect {
double x0, y0, x1, y1;
const short IS_BG = 1;
const short IS_BUF = 2;
typedef double affine [6];
struct Buf {
pixbuf rgb_buf;
long row_stride;
IRect rect;
int32 bg_color;
short flags;
struct Point {
double x, y;
typedef sequence<Point> Points;
struct SVPSegment {
boolean up;
DRect bbox;
Canvas::Points points;
typedef sequence<SVPSegment> SVP;
struct ArtUTA {
short x0, y0;
short width, height;
sequence<int32> utiles;
struct State {
affine item_aff;
double pixels_per_unit;
double canvas_scroll_x1;
double canvas_scroll_y1;
long zoom_xofs, zoom_yofs;
long xoffset, yoffset;
interface Component : Bonobo::Unknown {
ArtUTA update (in Canvas::State state,
in affine aff, in SVP clip_path, in long flags,
out double x1, out double y1, out double x2, out double y2);
void realize (in window_id drawable);
void unrealize ();
void map ();
void unmap ();
void draw (in Canvas::State state,
in window_id drawable,
in short x, in short y,
in short width, in short height);
# 108 "../idl/Bonobo_Canvas.idl"
void render (inout Canvas::Buf buf);
# 118 "../idl/Bonobo_Canvas.idl"
boolean contains (in double x, in double y);
void bounds (in Canvas::State state,
out double x1, out double x2,
out double y1, out double y2);
boolean event (in Canvas::State state,
in Bonobo::Gdk::Event event);
void setCanvasSize (in short x, in short y, in short width, in short height);
void setBounds (in DRect bbox);
void unImplemented1 ();
void unImplemented2 ();
void unImplemented3 ();
void unImplemented4 ();
interface ComponentProxy {
void requestUpdate ();
# 170 "../idl/Bonobo_Canvas.idl"
void grabFocus (in unsigned long mask,
in long cursor,
in unsigned long time);
void ungrabFocus (in unsigned long time);
UIContainer getUIContainer ();
void unImplemented1 ();
void unImplemented2 ();
void unImplemented3 ();
void unImplemented4 ();
# 44 "../idl/Bonobo.idl" 2
# 1 "../idl/Bonobo_Embeddable.idl" 1
# 23 "../idl/Bonobo_Embeddable.idl"
module Bonobo {
interface ControlFactory : Bonobo::Unknown {
# 36 "../idl/Bonobo_Embeddable.idl"
Control createControl (in ControlFrame frame, in UIContainer uic);
void unImplemented1 ();
void unImplemented2 ();
interface CanvasComponentFactory : Bonobo::Unknown {
# 54 "../idl/Bonobo_Embeddable.idl"
Canvas::Component createCanvasComponent (
in boolean aa,
in Canvas::ComponentProxy proxy);
void unImplemented1 ();
void unImplemented2 ();
interface Embeddable : Bonobo::Unknown {
void unImplemented1 ();
void unImplemented2 ();
void unImplemented3 ();
void unImplemented4 ();
void unImplemented5 ();
void unImplemented6 ();
void unImplemented7 ();
void unImplemented8 ();
# 45 "../idl/Bonobo.idl" 2
# 1 "../idl/Bonobo_Print.idl" 1
# 15 "../idl/Bonobo_Print.idl"
module Bonobo {
struct PrintScissor {
double width_first_page, width_per_page;
double height_first_page, height_per_page;
struct PrintDimensions {
double width, height;
interface Print : Bonobo::Unknown {
# 36 "../idl/Bonobo_Print.idl"
Stream render (in PrintDimensions pd,
in PrintScissor scissor);
void unImplemented1 ();
void unImplemented2 ();
void unImplemented3 ();
void unImplemented4 ();
# 48 "../idl/Bonobo.idl" 2
# 1 "../idl/Bonobo_Clipboard.idl" 1
# 24 "../idl/Bonobo_Clipboard.idl"
module Bonobo {
interface Clipboard : Unknown {
# 41 "../idl/Bonobo_Clipboard.idl"
void setClipboard (in Moniker pasting_moniker,
in Moniker linking_moniker);
Moniker paste ();
Moniker link ();
void unImplemented1 ();
void unImplemented2 ();
void unImplemented3 ();
void unImplemented4 ();
interface ClipboardStore : Unknown {
void fetchStream (in PersistStream source,
in Moniker linking_moniker);
void fetchStorage (in PersistStorage source,
in Moniker linking_moniker);
void unImplemented1 ();
void unImplemented2 ();
void unImplemented3 ();
void unImplemented4 ();
# 51 "../idl/Bonobo.idl" 2
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