Re: Killing views [Was: Dealing with files in Gnome]

Ali Akcaagac <aliakc web de> writes:

> > What about phpMyAdmin?
> Yes and ? There are a couple of hundert solutions for this kind of tasks and I 
> was refering to one that is seamless implemented into the system.
> Exactly these kind of conversations are major blocker to get GNOME forward. 
> People still discuss wether this may be usable, confuse people, unfriendly 
> and whatever. The time for such conversations could be wisely spent into 
> DOING that implemention and have the enduser decide him-/herself wether it's 
> useful for him/her.

Hi Ali,

The discussion seems to have become a little heated. But you have to
keep some things in mind:

  1. While end-users may be able to find out what works best for
     themselves individually, they will not be good at deciding what
     is good for other users.

  2. Without a reasonably clear vision of how a particular technology
     is supposed to be used, it can easily turn into a complicated

  3. If the desktop grows too complex, we will leave the majority of
     end-users out in the cold (ordinary people sort of users),
     because they are not knowledgeable enough to complain about it.

  4. The people who are discussing these things (like us now),
     wouldn't have spent their time implementing them anyway... :-)

Having said that, noone is preventing you or someone else from making
an SQL view if you fancy it. Maybe it won't fit the GNOME vision. But
some of the best stuff in life isn't for everyone to enjoy, anyway
(like Emacs).

Ole Laursen

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