Re: Killing views [Was: Dealing with files in Gnome]

On Thu, 2003-04-03 at 12:07, Ali Akcaagac wrote:
> On Thursday 03 April 2003 17:13, Sean Middleditch wrote:
> Yes, this is definately true. This also doesn't change the fact that on Linux 
> systems I pretty much think that CUPS is better and easier to administrate 
> than LprNG + Apsfilter and imo a good direction as printing solution. If 
> there are other solutions for commercial other *nix'es then fine.

CUPS then has to actually be in use on the majority of Free OS's then
for it to be The GNOME Printing System.  RedHat used LPRng by default
until RH9, Slackware(iirc) just switched to lprng from an older system,

Still doesn't change the fact that GNOME just shouldn't care what
underlying print spooler is used - if necessary, just use
components/plugins for specialized features in a generic, neutral
interface.  Then I can mix-and-match spool systems based on actual
needs, not an artificial spooler popularity contest.  ^,^

> > a) Just becuase *you* use CUPS doesn't mean the vast majority of ...
> > b) CUPS is only really popular on Linux/BSD systems.  Commercial ...
> > c) Everything CUPS can do from an application's point of view can ...
> > d) The only advantage standardizing has is to help make a ...
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