Re: Viewports and gnome 2

On Thu, 2 May 2002, Jeff Waugh wrote:

> <quote who="Ken Witherow">
> > I'm not a gnome developer but I have been a gnome user for a few years.
> > I'd like to throw my two cents into the debate regarding the removal of
> > viewports in gnome 2.
> I'll respond in questions. :-)
>   1) Have you used GNOME 2 yet?

I've been playing on and off with gnome 2 since around the first alpha,
however, the lack of a pager which works in the same method as the gnome 1
pager has prevented me from doing much more than toying with it. As I
stated before, viewports are an absolute dependency for me and I simply
chalked the pager problem up as something that was being ported and not
finished until I saw the threads recently regarding viewports.

>   2) If so, have you reported regressions, or desired features from GNOME
>      1.x that are now missing?

There are 3 main things I've noticed with gnome 2 (there'd be more save
for the first)
1) showstopper - gnome 1 style viewports (bug 79135)
2) annoyance but easy to adapt with another panel- lack of the quicklaunch
3) minor - missing gnome-pim package but it's being ported and I can use
	the 1.X version until it's finished

> > The proponents of removing viewports in gnome 2 and going solely to
> > workspaces are overlooking a few things that I find very important.
> > Apparently, the powers that be decided that it was too "confusing" to have
> > both viewports and workspaces so one had to be removed.
>   3) Do you understand that no one is suggesting that we remove viewports,
>      merely that we call the aggregation of the features (of what we used to
>      call workspaces and viewports), 'workspaces'?

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