Re: Preferred Applications dialog (+ PATCH)

On Wed, 2002-07-31 at 03:48, Seth Nickell wrote:
> On Tue, 2002-07-30 at 19:08, Frank Worsley wrote:
> > Hi Jacob,
> > 
> > > you have a 'dirty' gconf database.  if you installed cleanly gnome 2.0
> > > it should work correctly.  if there is a http key in the .schemas file
> > > then that is a bug.
> > 
> > I see. To be honest, I still think that's not a good idea. The default
> > handler in Gnome should always be Nautilus. Not every possible Nautilus
> > URL can be defined as a handler in the gconf database - so what if I
> > enter a smb:// URL? It would open in my default browser and not in
> > Nautilus as I would expect. 
> Only if smb:// returned a file that was a web page. The current
> implementation tries to open a program based only on the URI. I believe
> what Jacob is proposing is to instead actually look at the object
> denoted by the URI, detect its MIME type, and open based on that.
> Essentially make the URL handler do what Nautilus does today when you
> put a URL in the location bar. There are some tricky fringe cases such
> as DAV urls (that could be opened as either directories or HTML pages),
> that Nautilus tries to solve by allowing you to select the view
> (obviously this wouldn't work with a URL handler).

Well, you could try to open the URI as a directory before trying to
determine the mime-type. That way, if it's a WebDAV share you would know
you have to open it in nautilus, rather than the web browser. (If you
try to open it with as a document, you would probably get an HTML

/Bastien Nocera

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