Re: Preferred Applications dialog (+ PATCH)

On Tue, 2002-07-30 at 19:08, Frank Worsley wrote:
> Hi Jacob,
> > you have a 'dirty' gconf database.  if you installed cleanly gnome 2.0
> > it should work correctly.  if there is a http key in the .schemas file
> > then that is a bug.
> I see. To be honest, I still think that's not a good idea. The default
> handler in Gnome should always be Nautilus. Not every possible Nautilus
> URL can be defined as a handler in the gconf database - so what if I
> enter a smb:// URL? It would open in my default browser and not in
> Nautilus as I would expect. 

Only if smb:// returned a file that was a web page. The current
implementation tries to open a program based only on the URI. I believe
what Jacob is proposing is to instead actually look at the object
denoted by the URI, detect its MIME type, and open based on that.
Essentially make the URL handler do what Nautilus does today when you
put a URL in the location bar. There are some tricky fringe cases such
as DAV urls (that could be opened as either directories or HTML pages),
that Nautilus tries to solve by allowing you to select the view
(obviously this wouldn't work with a URL handler).


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