Re: [Deskbar] Flickr photo search plugin

2007/5/7, Fabio Corneti <info corneti com>:
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On 07/mag/07, at 16:18, Will Simpson wrote:
> I like this plugin. I'd suggest letting the users decide which
> service to point at. Make the options available in the preferences.
> Some will prefer flickr, some google and some maybe wikipedia.
> Change the name to remove the flickr reference and call it Image
> Plugin or something more generic. This opens the possibility of
> many new image library queries.
> Will

Either way I will probably have some code that could be useful to
share between the handlers (I would especially like to use a
multithreaded class to fetch the thumbnails in order to speed up the
search);  <SNIP>

Why would a thread speed up thumbnail fetching? The AsyncHandler is already completely asynchronous with respect to the deskbar integration so you shouldn't be delaying anything. If it is because you want to fetch from multiple sources at once I suggest you create an AsyncHandler for each thread (a handler you do not export) and then create an aggregating async handler for all you subhandlers that relay all method calls to the subhandlers (and export the aggregating handler). This way you would get stop-notifications correct and all... Does this make sense?


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