Re: [Deskbar] deskbar.opensearch

Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen wrote:
> In fear that this drowned in the bugzilla flood...
> I contacted various parts with regards to the licensing of a library
> parsing
> OpenSearch feeds and descriptors, and everything is sorted out now. We
> have
> a GPL library from
> I plan on bundling the lib in deskbar since it is not very big, and would
> make for an odd dependency.
Great to hear that. I'm looking forward to such a handler.

> If I am correctly informed Firefox 2.0 also uses OpenSearch XML to
> describe
> its smart bookmarks, so we might have a bonus there too.
> I intend to write a handler using the OpenSearch API, but I fear that
> somebody else will have to look into Firefox bookmarks (unless I should
> just
> do it when I find time sometime after WorldWar III).
I couldn't find something about bookmarks supporting OpenSearch. I just
found MozSearch plugins
Is it that what you mean?

Sebastian Pölsterl

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