Re: [Deskbar] Composite effects in deskbar?

2006/6/6, Jose daLuz <jdaluz gmail com>:
One addition that would be cool would be some kind of animation when you click "x more results/actions", perhaps an animated expansion/contraction of the results list with a bit of wobble rather than instantaneously growing/shrinking.

Yes, that would be cool, but also very difficult since it would require tinkering with the inner workings of gtk.TreeView afaik. Maybe stock gtk could do this, but that's a bit out of deskbar scope ;-P

You could also play with the opacity/saturation/brightness of the categories vs. results instead of grey background vs. white background.

I have thought of doing some other highlighting of category headers, with gradients or rounded corners or some other bling. This can be done purely in cairo  however. The main concerns on that is themability and cairo-speed.

Is there any possibility the whole entry box could wobble slightly in place on focus? If not, some change in opacity/etc. when deskbar is focussed/not focussed would also be cool.

This should be possible, I'm not sure how to do the wobbling though...

I hope this is a good starting point for some new compositing bling!

Me too!

I have an idea myself for some minor bling that is actually useful. Display a gray low-contrast "Hit Alt-F3 to search" in the entry when it is not focussed. This is easily accomplished, but I have more pressing matters deskbar-wise before I do this...

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