Re: [Deskbar] Composite effects in deskbar?

I've been running Xgl for months now, so I can tell you about the bling you already have without doing any coding ;-)  Results and history display with animated zoom out/zoom in and slight translucency, preferences menu wobbles and is tranlucent (thanks to a quinnstorm plugin called state, I don't think vanilla compiz controls opacity for menus and I don't know what compositing metacity does).

One addition that would be cool would be some kind of animation when you click "x more results/actions", perhaps an animated expansion/contraction of the results list with a bit of wobble rather than instantaneously growing/shrinking.

You could also play with the opacity/saturation/brightness of the categories vs. results instead of grey background vs. white background.

Is there any possibility the whole entry box could wobble slightly in place on focus? If not, some change in opacity/etc. when deskbar is focussed/not focussed would also be cool.

I hope this is a good starting point for some new compositing bling!


Joe daLuz

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