[Deskbar] Updater Work

Hi !

As we discussed on IRC, i merged sebastian's work before tomorrow's
release so we can get maybe a little bug love for that.

That said i hope you'll be able to check it out and test it before
tomorrow night, so we can squash the most obvious bugs, so we won't
receive a pile of bugs for a very known reason.

To test, just take a cvs HEAD checkout, launch it the regular way, and
hope the magic happens :)

It requires a system-wide installation for ease of use, else you might
need to play with dbus-launch to launch a local dbus daemon, or launch
first the new-stuff-manager script and then while it's running the
deskbar-applet, but YMMV..

Thanks Seb, i haven't yet written your name in the credits, that will
happen soon ;)


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