Re: [Deskbar] Renaming the Deskbar

First of all sorry for being a bit unreliable lately... Real life has
been exceedingly real lately :-S

On Mon, 2005-11-14 at 15:21 +0100, Raphael Slinckx wrote:
> Like you say "Search Bar" is good, but even, i wonder what is a Bar...
> Some ideas so far:
> * Search Ba
> * Search Tool
> * Quick Launch
> * Quick Search
> * Wonderbar
> * Wönderbär
> * Auric
* Visual Shell
* Hugin or Munin [1]

Since Munin is eerily close to Muine, I suggest "Hugin, Visual Shell"

[1]: Hugin and Munin are ravens scouting the earth for Odin, the god of
Wisdom, in the northern mythology.


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